EYESHENZHEN  /  Chinese language  /  

Catch Phrase| 打call(dǎ call)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-08-24


“打” means to “hit,” and “call” in this context means “a loud cry.” This term, originating from Japanese, refers to fans’ shouting out slogans and waving glow sticks to support their idols during a live concert or other events. The term is also used in a more general sense, meaning to “praise, encourage, cheer on.” It can be used either on people or on things to express a fond feeling.


A: 周末你干什么了?

Zhōumò nǐ gàn shénme le?

What did you do during the weekend?

B: 我去电影院看《战狼2》了。

Wǒ qù diànyǐngyuàn kàn zhànláng le。

I watched “Wolf Warrior 2” at the movie theater.

A: 好看吗?

Hǎokàn ma?

Was it good?

B: 还不错,为国产片打call。

Hái bùcuò, wèi guóchǎnpiān dǎ call。

Not bad. I want to support Chinese-made movies.

(First editor: Debra Li)