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Catch Phrase| Diss

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-09-11



This English word, a short form for “disrespect” and “disparage,” has become popular among Chinese netizens because of a singing competition show, “The Rap of China.” A diss track or diss song is a song primarily intended to disrespect a person or group. While musical parodies and attacks have always existed, the trend became increasingly common in the hip hop genre fueled by the hip hop rivalry phenomenon. Now, Chinese netizens use “diss” in place of many other previous popular sayings, such as

“黑” (badmouth), “怼” (criticize), and “鄙视” (despise).


A: 小丽又在朋友圈里秀在伦敦看剧的照片了。

Xiǎolì yòu zài péngyǒuquān lǐ xìu zài lúndūn kàn jù de zhàopiān le。

Xiao Li has again posted pictures of her going to a theater in London in her Moments.

B: 拿着父母的钱到处玩,假装有品位,我最diss这种人了。

Nà zhe fùmǔ de qián dàochù wán, jiǎzhuāng yǒupǐnwèi, wǒ zuì diss zhèzhǒng rén le。

Spending her parents’ money traveling around and showing off her “good” taste — I despise her kind.

(First editor: Debra Li)