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Catch Phrase| 女装大佬(nǚzhuāng dàlǎo)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-09-26


“女装” means “women’s wear,” and “大佬” means “guru.” This term, originating from Japanese, refers to men looking really good when dressed in women’s clothes. The trend first appeared when some men began to wear costumes and fashion accessories to represent a specific character from comics, animation, movies or TV shows. The term was first seen used in Chinese just last year.


A: 小丽的新男友你见过吗?很帅啊。

Xiǎolì de xīn nányǒu nǐ jiàn guò ma? Hěn shuài a。

Have you met Xiao Li’s new boyfriend? He’s handsome.

B: 你不知道吧,他还是个女装大佬呢。我见过他的女装照,惊艳!

Nǐ bù zhīdào ba, tā hái shì gè nǚzhuāng dàlǎo ne。Wǒ jiànguò tā de nǚzhuāng zhào, jīngyàn!

It will never occur to you that the handsome young man looks really good in women’s clothes. I’ve seen a photo of him dressed as a woman. You can call him stunning!

(First editor: Debra Li)