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Catch Phrase| 铲屎官(chǎnshǐguān)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-10-17


“铲” means to “shovel,” “屎” means “feces,” and “官” means “official.” A popular term used by Chinese netizens, it refers to pet owners who have to clean after their dogs or cats. People call themselves “poo-poo cleaning official” as a joke and to show their devotion to their pets.


A: 你终于也当上铲屎官了。

Nǐ zhōngyú yě dāngshàng chǎnshǐguān le。

Finally you’ve become a pet owner too.

B: 是啊,孩子一直想养只猫,可是养了猫,还是我来照顾。

Shì a, háizi yīzhí xiǎng yǎng zhī māo, kěshì yǎng le māo, háishì wǒ lái zhàogù。

True. My kid has always wanted to keep a cat. When she finally gets a cat, it’s me who have to take care of it.

(First editor: Debra Li)