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Catch Phrase| 炸裂(zhàliè)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-10-23


“炸” means to “explode,” and “裂” means to “split.” This term, which literally means to “explode to pieces,” is used by Chinese netizens frequently as an esclamation, which is similar to “extremely impressive.”


A: 最近有一部网剧特别火。

Zuìjìn yǒu yībù wǎngjù tèbié huǒ。

A network drama has been very hot lately.

B: 你说的是《白夜追凶》吧。

Nǐ shuō de shì 《báiyè zhuīxiōng》 ba。

I guess you are talking about “Day and Night.”

A: 是啊,你看了吗?

Shì a, nǐ kàn le ma?

Yeah, did you watch it?

B: 看了,真心好看,潘粤明演技炸裂。

Kàn le, zhēnxīn hǎokàn, pānyuèmíng yànjì zhàliè。

I did, it’s really good. Pan Yueming, the male lead, is extremely impressive.

(First editor: Debra Li)