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Chapterhouse to present Pride and Prejudice| Oct. 29

Writer:   | Editor: Nan Nan  | From: 


8 p.m., Oct. 29


Chapterhouse to present Pride and Prejudice| Oct. 29




Line 3 or 4, Children’s Palace Station (少年宫站), Exit B

Please Note

Booking: 400-185-8666


One of Jane Austen’s most iconic love stories is coming to town.



Take a step back in time with Britain’s Chapterhouse Theater Company to meet Elizabeth Bennet, Austen’s most loveable heroine. When Elizabeth meets the rude and abrupt Mr. Darcy, she loathes him at first sight. But could there be more to him than meeting the eye? Brought to life by award-winning writer Laura Tuner, this brand-new adaptation marks the 200th anniversary of Austen’s death and promises to be the most splendid evening of the season.




“Pride and Prejudice” is a romance novel by Austen published in 1813. The story charts the emotional development of the protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet, who learns the error of making hasty judgments and comes to appreciate the difference between the superficial and the essential. The comedy of the writing lies in the depiction of manners, education, marriage and money in the British Regency.



“Pride and Prejudice” retains the fascination of modern readers, consistently appearing near the top of lists of “most-loved books” among both literary scholars and the general public. It has become one of the most popular novels in English literature, with over 20 million copies sold, and paved the way for many archetypes that abound in modern literature.



Founded in 1999, Chapterhouse Theater Company has gone from strength to strength changing and adapting to new audience members and challenges every year but holding the same principals of producing warm, traditional and hopefully magical theater.

