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Catch Phrase| An Innovative Country 创新型国家

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-11-23

In Xi Jinping’s report, he reiterated that China needs to accelerate the building of an innovative country as innovation has become the driving force of development. Honestly we’re not sufficient in this force. The old pattern doesn’t work anymore.

Innovation is the key to cultivating this new force. Besides the solid foundation we already have, we should also deepen the reform, strengthen the building of the nation’s innovative system, and aim for the cutting-edge research and development in science and technology. Meanwhile we need to intensify the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, fully utilizing the innovative role enterprises play.

At the same time, talent is the top priority. We are determined to cultivate a large number of leading science and technology talents with global vision. Through innovation we’ll be able to gain new momentum to win a better position in the new round of global division of industrial structure. So the development of our economy can be sustainable, which is vital in realizing the two centennial goals and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.


(Source: AM774.com)