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Catch Phrase| Belt and Road Initiative 一带一路

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2017-11-24

The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road, better known as the Belt and Road Initiative (B&R), is a development strategy proposed by President Xi Jinping that focuses on connectivity and cooperation between Eurasian countries, primarily the People's Republic of China (PRC), the land-based Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) and the oceangoing Maritime Silk Road (MSR).

Shenzhen strives to play a pivotal role in the construction of the Belt and Road to build itself into a gateway along the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road by making full use of its geographic location and advantages in business and human resources, putting emphasis on the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and focusing on transportation connectivity, economic and trade cooperation and cultural exchanges.

“一带一路”(英文:The Belt and Road,缩写B&R)是“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的简称。它将充分依靠中国与有关国家既有的双多边机制,借助既有的、行之有效的区域合作平台,一带一路旨在借用古代丝绸之路的历史符号,高举和平发展的旗帜,积极发展与沿线国家的经济合作伙伴关系,共同打造政治互信、经济融合、文化包容的利益共同体、命运共同体和责任共同体。

深圳打造“一带一路”战略支点有着先天优势。深圳与“一带一路”沿线国家有着良好的经贸往来,2015 年深圳出台实施方案,支持企业参与沿线国家建设,一批项目列入国家重大项目库。