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Italian Philharmonic Orchestra| Dec. 29

Writer: Chen Xiaochun  | Editor: Nan Nan  | From: 


8 p.m., Dec. 29


Italian Philharmonic Orchestra| Dec. 29




Line 3 or 4, Children’s Palace Station (少年宫站), Exit D

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The Italian Philharmonic Orchestra, one of the largest cultural organizations in Italy, will bring a New Year concert to Shenzhen Concert Hall on Dec. 29, presenting songs including Giuseppe Verdi’s “Nabucco Overture,” Giacomo Puccini’s “Vissi d’Arte,” and Manuel de Falla’s “El Amor Brujo.”


Since its inception in 1970, the Italian Philharmonic Orchestra has received critical acclaim for artistic excellence and has distinguished itself as one of the leading Mediterranean orchestras.


The success of the orchestra would not be possible without the integration of top musical talents. Every musician in the orchestra is accomplished in the Italian music arena; most have held recitals at prestigious venues and have their own recording studios. Well-known musicians, including Luciano Pavarotti, say they love playing with the Italian Philharmonic Orchestra.


Under the leadership of the music director maestro Giuseppe Di Donato, the orchestra has presented an increasing number of recordings, performances throughout Italy and tours. The orchestra continues to develop its international presence by acting as an active commissioning body for new Italian and international compositions, as well as recruiting distinguished guest artists and conductors, such as Biagio Ruggeri, Sergio Testa, Marco Zuccari, Stefan Gulak and Miroslav Krastev to performa in the most important Italian auditoriums and theaters. Renowned composers Claudio Cimpanelli, Raffaele Bellafronte, Luca Lombardi, Phillip Glass, among many others have been in attendance at the orchestra’s presentations of their music.


意大利爱乐乐团创建于1970年,自成立之日便引起欧洲乐坛高度关注.经过四十多年的磨砺,如今已登上欧洲乃至世界古典乐坛的高峰,所到之处无不受到乐迷们的追捧,被誉为“地中海的音乐旋风” 。


一流的乐团是有一流人才作保证的,意大利爱乐乐团十分重视人才培养和引进,常年活跃在舞台上的乐手,个个都是当今意大利乐坛顶尖高手,不少人已举办过独奏音乐会.优越的待遇,拥有自己的音乐厅和录音棚,更能使音乐家潜心于艺术,众多知名艺术家也十分乐意与意大利爱乐乐团合作。如帕瓦罗蒂生前与他们有过多次的成功合作,至今还是乐团的甜美回忆。而与比亚乔•鲁吉里 ﹑赛乔.特斯塔﹑祖卡里•马克﹑ 古拉卡•斯蒂芬﹑卡拉斯特•米洛斯拉夫﹑凯萨琳•巴特 ﹑莫莲•佛里斯特 ﹑ 凯伦•凯恩﹑诺尔曼•吉西﹑伊沙科•帕厄曼﹑克里斯托弗•普鲁姆﹑洛斯特•罗波维奇﹑ 阿图尔•鲁宾斯坦﹑文格罗夫等艺术家的合作,更使乐团名声大噪。乐团几乎在意大利所有的著名的音乐厅和剧院都举办过音乐会,仅每年本国的演出季,场次就有60多场演出。








Time: 8 p.m., Dec. 29

Tickets: 180-880 yuan

Scan the QR Code below to buy tickets:

Venue: Shenzhen Concert Hall, intersection of Hongli Road and Yitian Road, Futian District (福田区红荔路和益田路交汇处深圳音乐厅)

Metro: Line 3 or 4, Children’s Palace Station (少年宫站), Exit D
