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Catch Phrase | 口头胖子(kǒutóu pàngzi)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2018-05-22


“口头” literally means “spoken,” and “胖子” refers to “fatty.” Coined by Chinese netizens, this term refers to those people who often complain about their good appetite and their desire to lose weight when in fact, they are quite slim.


A: 看见甜点我就停不下来,最近我又胖了,怎么办?

Kànjiàn tiándiǎn wǒ jiù tíngbúxiàlái,zuìjìn wǒ yòu pàng le,zěnmebàn?

Once I start to eat desserts, I find it hard to stop. I’ve put on weight lately. What can I do?

B: 你有50公斤吗?

Nǐ yǒu wǔshí gōngjīn ma?

Have you reached 50 kilograms?

A: 快了。

Kuài le。


B: 我都60公斤了。你这种口头胖子,天天说胖就是为了气我是吗?

Wǒ dōu lìushí gōngjīn le。Nǐ zhèzhǒng kǒutóu pàngzi,tiāntiān shuō pàng jiùshì wèi le qì wǒ shìma?

I’ve passed 60 kilograms. You self-proclaimed fatties talk about becoming fat all the time while you are not. Do you just want to upset a real fatty like me?