China’s development ‘a contribution to world’

Writer: Liu Minxia  |  Editor: Jane Chen  |  From:   |  Updated: 2018-05-27

Lineth Guzman

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China's reform and opening up has not only brought fundamental changes to the country’s economy and people’s life in the past 40 years, but has also offered huge opportunities to the world, Lineth Guzman, vice president of Senate of Bolivia, said yesterday at a forum in Shenzhen.

“China’s achievements in economic development command my great admiration,” she told reporters on the sideline of the Second China-CELAC Political Parties Forum, which is part of the thematic event of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in Dialogue with World Political Parties High-level Meeting.

“Shenzhen, one strong demonstration of China’s achievements, has transformed itself into an international metropolis from a small fishing village within decades. ... China’s economic development has not only benefited its own people, but also made great contributions to the whole world.”

Guzman said her observations told her that fast economic growth is usually achieved on three prerequisites, namely, respect for nature, the inheritance of traditional culture, and consistency in government policies.

Guzman said she believes the Chinese Government will definitely achieve its goal of eliminating rural poverty by 2020 and Bolivia, which shares similar goals with China in terms of poverty reduction, is willing to adopt China’s experience in pulling people out of poverty.

Guzman said the South American Andean nation has successfully eliminated extreme poverty and hopes to improve people’s livelihoods through economic development.

China’s experience in economic development, according to Guzman, will spur the Bolivian economy on toward growth, and her country hopes that the Bolivian economy will also benefit from China’s growth.

Bolivia is a leading country in South America when it comes to gender equality and female representation in its parliament, she said.

Thanks to Bolivian President Evo Morales, Bolivian legislation has stipulated that the political participation of women in public-decision making should account for at least 50 percent, she said.

Guzman also gives high regard for communications between political parties of different countries, which will help avoid detours, bring forth new ideas and achieve faster growth.