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Catch Phrase | 工作CD(gōngzuò CD)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2018-05-31


“工作” means “work,” and CD is the short form of “cooldown,” a gaming jargon referring to the fact that a tool or gadget in a game cannot be used again immediately after you’ve used it, as it needs some “cooldown time.” Chinese netizens coined the phrase to mean that they need some time to pull themselves together before they begin and after they’ve finished a task at work.


A: 你怎么又在玩手机?

Nǐ zěnme yòu zài wán shǒujī?

Why are you playing with your smartphone again?

B: 刚刚整理了上午的会议记录,头都晕了。

Gānggāng zhěnglǐ le shàngwǔ de huìyì jìlù,tóu dōu yūn le。

I’ve just finished editing the minutes of this morning’s meeting. I feel exhausted and cannot think clearly now.

A: 你的工作CD太长了吧,半个小时前我就看见你在玩手机。

Nǐ de gōngzuò CD tài zhǎng le ba,bàngè xiǎoshí qián wǒ jiù kànjiàn nǐ zài wán shǒujī。

You’ve spent too much time cooling down from work. I saw you playing with your phone half an hour ago.