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Catch Phrase | 皮一下 (píyīxià)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2018-06-04


“皮” is short for “调皮,” which means “naughty,” and “一下” means “for once.” A dialect word often used by a popular gaming commentator by the nickname “wuhu dasima,” this term caught on among netizens recently. Many people use the phrase after they’ve said or done something funny as a means of depressuring. They also say “皮一下很开心.” (Literally: “I feel happy to be naughty for once.”)


A: 六一你出去玩了吗?

Liùyī nǐ chūqù wán le ma?

Did you go out to have fun June 1?

B: 谁这么大年纪还过儿童节啊?

Shuí zhème dà niánjì hái guò értóngjiē a?

Aren’t we too old to celebrate Children’s Day?

A: 我去了新开的乐高专营店,皮一下很开心。

Wǒ qù le xīn kāi de lègāo zhuānyíngdiàn,píyīxià hěn kāixīn。

I went to the newly-opened Lego shop. It’s a lot of fun!