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Free documentary on Philip Guston| June 24

Writer:   | Editor: Doria Nan  | From: Shenzhen Daily


2-3:30 p.m. (Artron members), 4-5:30 p.m. (public), June 24


Free documentary on Philip Guston| June 24




Line 2 to Qiaocheng North Station (侨城北站), Exit D

Please Note

Artron Art Center will show documentary film “Philip Guston: A Life Lived” this weekend.


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The documentary traces the life of Guston (1913-1980), one of the leading abstract expressionists in the United States. Guston is one of the great luminaries of 20th-century art, whose commitment to producing work from genuine emotion and lived experience ensures its enduring impact. Briefly attending the Otis Art Institute in Los Angeles in 1930, he was otherwise completely self-taught.


Philip Guston


Late in his life, Guston looked back over a career that originated in social realism during the 1930s, moved to the center of abstract expressionism, and culminated in a return to figuration. The documentary was filmed at his retrospective in San Francisco in 1980 and at his Woodstock studio where he was seen painting. The artist speaks candidly about his philosophy of painting and the psychological motivation for his work.

In the 1960s, New York became the center of the art world, overtaking Paris. Guston and his friends had convinced Europe that abstract expressionism was the way of the future. But in 1969 Guston broke with the abstract expressionist dogma to return to his figurative roots. His gallery and many fellow artists did not forgive him. He left New York City, moving his studio to Woodstock, and spent the next 10 years making the paintings he felt called to make.


"Vessel" by Philip Guston, 1960


"Untitled" by Philip Guston, 1975


"Febrile" by Philip Guston, 1976


Guston’s paintings are being exhibited at Hauser & Wirth in Hong Kong until July 28.



加斯顿的回顾展陆续在世界各地展出,如1962年,荷兰阿姆斯特丹市立博物馆 “菲利普·加斯顿回顾展1941-1962”,同年巡演至法国里尔美术馆、英国伦敦白教堂画廊、洛杉矶艺术博物馆以及纽约古根海姆美术馆;1980年,纽约惠特尼美术馆 “菲利普·加斯顿回顾展1930-1979”;2003年,伦敦皇家艺术学院 “菲利普·加斯顿回顾展”,同年巡展至纽约大都会博物馆,旧金山现代艺术博物馆等。


菲利普·加斯顿在晚年回顾了自己的职业生涯——开始于30年代的社会现实主义,后发展为抽象表现主义,最终又以对具象的回归作结。本片《菲利普·加斯顿:传奇一生》(Philip Guston: A Life Lived)拍摄于加斯顿1980年在旧金山举办的回顾展现场以及他在伍德斯托克作画的工作室。艺术家在片中袒露了其绘画哲学,以及作品背后的动机。


Time: 2-3:30 p.m. (Artron members), 4-5:30 p.m. (public), June 24

Venue: Artron Art Center, 19 Shenyun Road, Nanshan District (南山区深云路19号雅昌艺术中心5楼)

Metro: Line 2 to Qiaocheng North Station (侨城北站), Exit D
