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Hukou application starts

Writer:   | Editor: Lily A  | From:  | Updated: 2018-06-26

The point-based household registration system opened to applicants starting yesterday till Sept. 30, with a quota of 10,000 this year, said the municipal development and reform commission, sznews.com reported.

It is reported that the application system has upgraded this year. In the application stage, the data required for a review is connected to the public security system, which means that applicants can realize real-time information comparison during the process, and any wrong information will be flagged right away.

The household registration system, which is in its second year of the trial period, offers a channel for non-Shenzheners to accumulate points for the hukou, or household registration status, to become permanent urban residents.

Under the policy, non-natives of the city under a specified age who have held a Shenzhen temporary residence permit with the city’s social insurance records for five consecutive years and are without a criminal record are eligible to apply for the hukou.

It is noteworthy that this year that for any applicants whose spouse owns real estate or has real estate owned jointly with their spouse, the date of their registration of marriage must be before Jan. 1, 2018, and the marriage must still be valid Sept. 30 in order to qualify to apply.

The results will be announced on the portal of the Shenzhen Municipal Public Security Bureau on Dec. 8.