Chaihuo hosts Grow With Community event| July 25

Writer:   | Editor: Doria Nan  | From: Shenzhen Daily


7:30-10:30 p.m., July 25





Line 5 to Liuxiandong Station (留仙洞站), Exit A

Please Note

Hardware hobbyists, makers, engineers, programmers and anyone who is familiar with open hardware platforms or has rich experience in making open hardware projects are invited to attend “Grow With Community | Let’s Make,” an event organized by Chaihuo x.factory.



Makers at a previous event at x.factory. File photo


It will be a series of events that focus on the exploration and implementation of creative hardware projects in IoT (Internet of Things) industries. The organizers will provide popular open source hardware modules sponsored by Seeed and tech support on-site, supporting you to turn your brilliant ideas into projects. The events will be hosted every other Wednesday evening, and the first event will focus on brainstorming and the second on making. One project will be finished each month in two events.

At the inaugural event this Wednesday, the organizers chose “Smart Living Space” as the topic. For it, think about projects or solutions that add value to spaces we live in, such as a bedroom, living room, garden, study, gym, etc. The solutions can either be smart sensing systems, environmental data monitoring or interactive installations, as long as it’s related to a living space. You can also browse Seeed project hub for inspiration at

The organizers will provide two products for participants to use to make their projects: Respeaker Core/(Raspberry Pi + Respeaker HAT) and Arduino + Grove System modules (plug-n-play sensors and actuators).

Chaihuo will also provide snacks and drinks at the event.


Time: 7:30-10:30 p.m., July 25

Scan the QR code to sign up for the event:

Venue: x.factory, Design Commune, Vanke Cloud City, Dashi Road 2, Nanshan District (南山区打石二路万科云设计公社x.factory)

Metro: Line 5 to Liuxiandong Station (留仙洞站), Exit A
