Catch Phrase | 车祸现场(chēhuò xiànchǎng)

Writer: Debra Li  | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2018-09-05


“车祸” means “accident involving a vehicle,” and “现场” means “site.” This term, having been around for some time, is often used to refer to a disastrous live performance by a singer or lip-syncing. In English, people use a similar term “train wreck” to refer to a “major or total failure, disaster or catastrophe.”


A: 某大牌王姓歌星要来开演唱会了,你买票了吗?

Mǒu dàpái wángxìng gēxīng yào lái kāi yǎnchànghuì le,nǐ mǎipiào le ma?

A big-shot singer surnamed Wong will give a live concert in town. Have you bought a ticket?

B: 没有,她的演唱会也常常被评论是车祸现场,我还是听唱片好了。

Méiyǒu,tā de yǎnchànghuì yě chángcháng bèi pínglùn shì chēhuò xiànchǎng,wǒ háishì tīng chàngpiān hǎo le。

No. Her live concerts have often been compared to a train wreck. I’d better listen to her albums instead.