Catch Phrase | 神棍剧(shéngùnjù)

Writer: Debra Li  | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2018-09-06


“神棍” refers to fraudsters who trick people into believing they have supernatural power, and “剧” means “show.” While Chinese netizens would call TV shows that are exceptionally good and imaginative “神剧” (literally, god-like shows), they use this term to refer to shows that are too absurd and beyond people’s comprehension. For example, the dramatic and illogical turn in plotline or the incredible super powers of certain characters all contribute to the qualities of such a show.


A: 为什么有些剧要不停拍下去,最后从神剧沦为无法圆场的神棍剧?

Wéishénme yǒuxiē jù yào bùtíng pāi xiàqù,zuìhòu cóng shénjù lúnwéi wúfǎ yuánchǎng de shéngùnjù?

Why do some shows return season after season and finally degrade from a great show into an absurd show with an ending full of loopholes?

B: 因为拍剧的人想赚钱。

Yīnwèi pāi jù de rén xiǎng zhuànqián。

Because production companies want to make money.