Catch Phrase | 爽文(shuǎngwén)

Writer: Debra Li  | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2018-09-06


“爽” means “very pleasurable,” and “文” means “text.” This term, coined by Chinese netizens, refers to a kind of online novel with antagonists, often born into low-class families, who climb up the social ladder or suddenly become endowed with magical power either in kung fu fighting or other aspects, either helped by others or out of sheer luck, and then live happily ever after. Some netizens identify with the antagonists and feel good after reading these novels, therefore giving the genre its nickname.


A: 小李最近迷上在线读小说了,叫他踢球都不来。

Xiǎolǐ zuìjìn míshàng zàixiàn dú xiǎoshuō le,jiào tā tīqiú dōu bù lái。

Xiaoli has been fascinated by online novels recently. He would rather read online than join us in a soccer game.

B: 他读什么书啊?

Tā dú shénme shū ā?

What does he read?

A: 就是那些爽文小说。

Jiùshì nàxiē shuǎngwén xiǎoshuō。

Those feel-good online novels whose antagonists succeed in everything miraculously.