Catch Phrase | 体商( tǐshāng)

Writer: Debra Li  | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2018-09-06


Similar to IQ and EQ, the term “body quotient” refers to a scale from zero to 100 used to evaluate the physical health condition of a person, as people pay increasing attention to their physical wellbeing nowadays. The Chinese term is the literal translation of the English term.


A: 很多父母从小开始培养孩子的体商。

Hěnduō fùmǔ cóngxiǎo kāishǐ péiyǎng háizi de tǐshāng。

Many parents start to build their children’s body quotient early on.

B: 这个怎么培养?

Zhègè zěnme péiyǎng?

How do they do this?

A: 就是帮助孩子多做运动。

Jìushì bāngzhù háizi duō zuò yùndòng。

They help their children get more exercise.