Catch Phrase | 仙股(xiāngǔ)

Writer:   | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2018-09-10


“仙” is the transliteration of the English word “cent,” and “股” means “stock.” This term, first coined by Hong Kong people, is now widely known on the Chinese mainland, referring to stocks with prices less than 1 yuan. In the United States, people normally use “penny stock.”


A: 最近有些仙股涨得离谱。

Zuìjìn yǒuxiē xiāngǔ zhǎng de lípǔ。

Some penny stocks have rallied like crazy recently.

B: 仙股最好别参与,都是游资炒作,哪天跌下来根本卖不出去。

Xiāngǔ zuìhǎo bié cānyǔ,dōushì yóuzī chǎozuò,nǎtiān diē xiàlái gēnběn mài bù chūqù。

You’d better stay away from penny stocks. Their prices have been pushed up by hot money, and once they begin to nosedive, there is no chance that you can sell them.