Catch Phrase | 毁童年(huǐtóngnián)

Writer: Debra Li  | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2018-11-07


“毁” means to “destroy,” and “童年” means “childhood.” Literally meaning to “destroy someone’s childhood,” this term coined by Chinese netizens refers to the scenario where something turns out to be different from people’s childhood memories, and leaves them disillusioned.


A: 听说《西游记》又要改编成一部动画电影,是中日合拍片。

Tīngshuō 《xīyóujì 》yòuyào gǎibiān chéng yībù dònghuà diànyǐng,shì zhōngrì hépāipiàn。

I’ve heard that they will adapt “Journey to the West” into an animated movie, and it will be a Sino-Japanese co-production.

B: 之前这个题材的国产片都不好看,希望这个不要再毁童年了。

Zhīqián zhège tícái de guóchǎnpiān dōu bù hǎokàn,xīwàng zhège búyào zài huǐtóngnián le。

The previous homemade film adaptations all turned out to be flops. I hope this one will not ruin my childhood memories again.