Catch Phrase | 封杀式分手(fēngshāshì fēnshǒu)

Writer: Debra Li  | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2019-02-14


“封杀” means “to block” or “to ban,” “式” means “style,” and “分手” means “breakup.” This term, coined by Chinese netizens, refers to the scenario where one person wants to end a relationship while the other, reluctant to let go, threatens to make a scene and humiliate their partner.


A: 小李的女朋友昨天来我们公司了。她哭诉小李喜新厌旧要和她分手。

Xiǎolǐ de nǚpéngyou zuótiān lái wǒmen gōngsī le。Tā kūsù xiǎolǐ xǐxīn yànjiù yào hé tā fēnshǒu。

Xiaoli’s girlfriend came to our office yesterday. She sobbed and told everyone Xiaoli has fallen for someone new and wants to break up with her.

B: 这可真是封杀式分手,小李尴尬了。

Zhè kě zhēnshì fēngshāshì fēnshǒu ,xiǎolǐ gāngà le。

That’s a nasty breakup. Xiaoli must be very embarrassed.