Catch Phrase | 自溺症 (zìnìzhèng)

Writer: Debra Li  | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2019-02-19


“自” means “self,” “溺” is short for “溺爱,” which means to “dote on,” and “症” means “syndrome.” Coined by Chinese netizens, this term, which lieterally means “self-doting syndrome,” refers to the situation where a person is so narcissistic that they become arrogant, jealous and selfish. Sometimes used in self-mocking, the mild version of this syndrome is represented by a lack of self discipline.


A: 你不是说今天要早起跑步吗?现在都九点半了。

Nǐ búshì shuō jīntiān yào zǎoqǐ pǎobù ma?Xiànzài dōu jiǔdiǎnbàn le。

Didn’t you say you will rise early and jog today? It’s already 9:30.

B: 我早上定了六点的闹钟,但是感觉没睡够,所以又躺了一会儿。然后自溺症发作了。

Wǒ zǎoshàng dìng le liùdiǎn de nàozhōng,dànshì gǎnjué méi shuì gòu,suǒyǐ yòu tǎng le yīhuìr。Ránhòu zìnìzhèng fāzuò le。

I set the alarm at 6, but felt very sleepy and wanted to snooze a while. Then I got into the self-doting mode.