Catch Phrase | 抱团养老(bàotuán yǎnglǎo)

Writer: Debra Li  | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2019-06-03


“抱团,” which literally means “a group of people hugging together,” is a metaphor for “helping and supporting each other.” “养老” means “taking care of the aged.” First appearing in media reports early last year, this term talks about the phenomenon of a group of senior citizens, often retirees young enough to take care of themselves in daily life and know each other, choose to live close together in a self-started commune and help take care of each other. These people don’t want to live with their children, neither are they ready to be confined to a nursing home for older people, and therefore embrace this alternative lifestyle.


A: 你父母在家乡好吗?

Nǐ fùmǔ zài jiāxiāng hǎo ma?

How are your parents back in hometown?

B: 日子轻松自在,但是有点寂寞,他们打算和几个老同学一起在郊区租两栋别墅抱团养老。

Rìzǐ qīngsōng zìzài,dànshì yǒudiǎn jìmò,tāmen dǎsuàn hé jǐge lǎo tóngxué yīqǐ zài jiāoqū zū liǎngdòng biéshù bàotuán yǎnglǎo。

They live leisurely and carefree, but feel a bit lonely. They are planning to rent two villas in the suburbs, move in with a couple of old schoolmates, and start a retiree’s commune of their own.