Catch Phrase | 正面刚(zhèngmiàngāng)

Writer: Debra Li  | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2019-06-24


“正面” means “directly,” and “刚” is transliteration of the English word “gank.” A word originating in competitive gaming, “ganking” is the process in which a group of characters gang up on one or more players that do not have a chance to defend themselves, or when one high-level player attacks a player way below his or her level. Now used in a more general sense, the Chinese term means “to confront.”


A: 听说你和小丽又吵架了?

Tīngshuō nǐ hé xiǎolì yòu chǎojià le?

I hear that you quarrelled with Xiaoli again.

B: 我每天上班累得要命,回家还要听她不停唠叨,有时候实在忍不住发火。

Wǒ měitiān shàngbān lèi de yàomìng,huíjiā háiyào tīng tā bùtíng láodāo,yǒushíhòu shízài rěnbúzhù fāhuǒ。

Exhausted after a day’s work, I have to hear her nag. Sometimes I really cannot hold my temper.

A: 小丽在家做家务带孩子也不轻松,小两口最好还是不要正面刚。

Xiǎolì zàijiā zuò jiāwù dài háizi yě bù qīngsōng,xiǎoliǎngkǒu zuìhǎo háishì búyào zhèngmiàngāng。

She is not leading an easy life either, with all the housework to do and the kid to take care of. You’d better not confront each other.