Catch Phrase | 奔现翻车(bēnxiàn fānchē)

Writer: Debra Li  | Editor: Stephanie Yang  | From:  | Updated: 2019-09-17


“奔” means “to run to,” “现” is short for “现实,” which means “reality,” and “翻车” literally means “a vehicle overturned,” which is a metaphor for “a disaster.” This term coined by Chinese netizens refers to the scenario where two people, after dating online for some time, finally make their minds to meet in person and take their relationship to the next step, but end up disappointed after an awkward meeting.


A: 你网聊了半年的帅哥还不打算见面吗?

Nǐ wǎngliáo le bànnián de shuàigē hái bù dǎsuàn jiànmiàn ma?

Are you still not meeting the handsome guy you’ve dated online for half a year?

B: 我们彼此很钟意,但我又担心万一奔现翻车。

Wǒmen bǐcǐ hěn zhōngyì,dàn wǒ yòu dānxīn wànyī bēnxiàn fānchē。

We like each other a lot, but I fear that we may end up disappointed after an awkward meeting.