How to get Shenzhen’s retail coupons

Writer: Cao Zhen  | Editor: Vincent Lin  | From: Shenzhen Daily





Please Note

Several districts in Shenzhen have rolled out digital coupons on WeChat or other apps for customers to use in restaurants, supermarkets, shopping centers, cinemas, bookstores, gas stations, hotels and scenic spots, in a bid to give a boost to the retail industries during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Mobile phone users can apply for the coupons regardless of their locations but they should use the coupons in brick-and-mortar stores in the district which issues the coupons.


Now until June 23 (by midnight) scan the “2020礼享罗湖” WeChat miniapp code to apply for 20-100 yuan coupons which can be used in shops accepting WeChat payment in Luohu District. Winners will be announced at 10 a.m. every Wednesday. Once you receive the coupon, you should use it within seven days.


Now until April 15 (by 10 a.m.), scan the “春到福田” WeChat miniapp code to apply for 30-80 yuan retail coupons and a 3,000-yuan car coupon which can be used in selected Futian shops listed on the miniapp. Winners will be announced at 10 a.m. April 15. Once you receive the coupon, you should use it within 15 days.


Now until June 10 (by 6 p.m.), scan the “券享光明” WeChat miniapp code to apply for 25-100 yuan coupons which can be used in shops accepting WeChat payment in Guangming District. Winners will be announced at 9 a.m. May 11 and June 11. Once you receive the coupon, you should use it within 30 days.


Now until June 15 (by 6 p.m.), scan the “宝i企” WeChat miniapp code and then click “消费者报名” to apply for 15-150 yuan coupons which can be used in shops accepting WeChat payment in Bao’an District. Winners will be announced every Wednesday (10 a.m.). Once you receive the coupon, you should use it within 15 days.


Download Meituan (美团) or Dianping (大众点评) app and then search keyword “龙华消费券” to claim 30-100 yuan food and drink coupons today. You will receive the coupons immediately and should use them within the next seven days at restaurants that are working in agreement with Meituan or Dianping.
