Catch Phrase | 仪式感( yíshìgǎn)

Writer: Debra Li  |  Editor: Stephanie Yang  |  From: Shenzhen Daily 


Literally translated as “a sense of ritual,” this term is often used by Chinese netizens to describe a serious attitude toward certain things. Rituals are what make one day different from other days, one hour from other hours, according to “The Little Prince.” Rituals, like those at weddings and festivals, help people realize the importance of their commitment and long-held traditions.


A: 你日常生活中对待什么事情有仪式感?

Nǐ rìcháng shēnghuó zhōng duìdài shénme shìqíng yǒu yíshìgǎn?

What daily routines do you treat with a sense of ritual?

B: 跑步。我每天跑步都用手机计步数然后发朋友圈,这样做也是为了督促自己坚持下去。

Pǎobù。Wǒ měitiān pǎobù dōu yòng shǒujī jì bùshù ránhòu fā péngyǒuquān,zhèyàng zuò yěshì wèile dūcù zìjǐ jiānchí xiàqù。

Running. I log my running steps everyday and post the number on WeChat Moments, so as to urge myself to keep up the efforts.