Catch Phrase | 肉签(ròuqiān)

Writer: Debra Li  |  Editor: Stephanie Yang  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2020-08-31


“肉” means “meaty,” and “签”means “chip.” In the Chinese market, new IPO stocks are assigned to investors in a lucky-draw kind of system, and most often, being assigned a new stock is a promise of risk-free profits, therefore, people call it “中签”(pinyin: zhòngqiān; meaning: winning a new stock in the lucky draw). A “meaty chip” refers to a very profitable new stock, whose price surges dramatically within a few days.


A: 最近创业板好多大肉签,我一只都没中。

Zuìjìn chuàngyèbǎn hǎoduō dà ròuqiān,wǒ yīzhī dōu méi zhòng。

There have recently been a lot of profitable new IPO stocks on the ChiNext board, but I wasn’t assigned any of them.

B: 本来就是小概率事件,不中是正常,中了是运气好。

Běnlái jiùshì xiǎogàilǜ shìjiàn,búzhòng shì zhèngcháng,zhòng le shì yùnqìhǎo。

There’s only a slim possibility to be assigned a new IPO stock. Not getting one is the norm, and getting one means you are very lucky.