2020 Shenzhen British Day Tickets Open for Sale

Writer:   | Editor: Lin Lin  | From: British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong


11:00 - 17:00 Saturday, 28th November



Nanhai Lawn, Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai, No. 1177, Wanghai Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen


Please Note

It's time for  Shenzhen British Day at the end of this month! Don't miss this chance to feel the Great British culture! Not only are tickets now on sale - but also we can also reveal some of our performances and activities for this year’s most anticipated family day.


Traditional Performance


Solo Bagpiper Performance



Photos from British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong

Bagpipes are a woodwind instrument using enclosed reeds fed from a constant reservoir of air in the form of a bag. The Scottish Great Highland bagpipes are the best known in the Anglophone world. A set of bagpipes minimally consists of an air supply, a bag, a chanter, and usually at least one drone.

风笛是一种古老的民间乐器,据说起源于古代西亚两河流域的苏美尔地区 18 世纪风笛传到澳大利亚、加拿大。在苏格兰地区,风笛是最具有代表性的民间乐器,常用于民间的婚礼风俗节日活动中。风笛在结构上一般包括吹管,气囊,演奏管和旋管。

Live Band Performance


We will have live band performances to rock you all day at British Day. With the most mysterious band name in Guangzhou, the "No Why" Band comprises 4 friends from France, UK, US and New Zealand who invite mystery guests on stage from time to time. The band members love "feel good" happy music. 

在英国日当天,现场乐队带你嗨翻一整天!“No Why”乐队由来自法国、英国、美国和新西兰的 4 位成员组成,他们也不时邀请神秘嘉宾上台。乐队喜欢弹唱欢快的歌曲,不仅乐队玩得开心,观众也能乐在其中。

Sports and Games


Each year, different sports and game activities are held one after the next - truly heavenly for excited and energetic children - as their parents enjoy food and drinks from our booth vendors.


Music Drama


British Day isn't truly British Day without stage performances from students from our international school members. School performances - the lovely smiley faces and vibrant energy grab everyone's attention every time.


Best British Costume Competition


Put on your favourite British costume, register at BritCham's booth and take home a surprise prize. (*Please remember to register at BritCham Guangdong's booth No.14, to join the competition.)

穿上你精心打扮的英伦风服装,来英商会摊位报名参加最佳英伦着装比赛,用你的装扮赢取神秘大礼。(*请自行穿上英伦风服装并前往活动现场 14 号广东英国商会摊位登记参赛。)

Charity Raffle


The raffle involves a lucky draw in which people buy numbered tickets at the Captivating's booth, No. 5 to have the chance of winning a prize. When a winning ticket is drawn, the number is called out and the person with the matching ticket can claim the prize. The proceeds from the raffle will go to Captivating to help disadvantage and impoverished children.

现场在 5 号摊位 开普威汀 购买慈善抽奖礼券就有机会领取大奖!我们将会在现场抽奖,对号并抽取大奖!现场购买慈善抽奖礼券就有机会赢取大奖!本次慈善抽奖活动所筹集的善款将会捐给开普威汀用于帮助弱势及贫困的儿童。

There are three rounds of lucky draw in total. One of the prizes is DreamBox's Luxury Core Course Gift Package worth RMB 15,000. Other great prizes include star hotel restaurant vouchers, travel kit and more. The total value of prizes is more than RMB 100,000! 

本次活动一共有三轮抽奖,奖品包括 DreamBox 的价值 15000 元的超豪华核心课程大礼包以及星级酒店餐券、旅行套装等等。奖品价值已超过十万元!

Booths with Various Fun Games


Nearly 40 booth owners are now busy decorating their booths, preparing games for all attendees. You’ll have fun with games suitable for families, couples, friends and those wanting to meet new friends.

今年将近 40 个摊位的摊主都在悉心准备游戏。游戏内容多样丰富,适合一家大小齐欢乐,情侣甜蜜过周末,朋友聚会嗨翻天,单身人士识好友。

Feast in British Day


Not only wonderful performances and games included, but also a lot of delicious food are waiting for you.


Event Agenda


What is British Day?


Since 2010, British Day has been one of the most anticipated annual events in Guangdong Province. British Day celebrates British culture, offering you a relaxing day with family and friends with fun activities, music, prizes and great food and drink. Locals and other nationalities are all welcome. 

自 2010 年起,英国日就已经成为广东省年度活动中的重要一环。在即将举行的深圳英国日,我们不但邀请珠三角的英籍朋友,也欢迎当地和其他国籍的朋友一起参与,活动当天来宾们将有机会体验到最纯正的英国食物,参与到多个活动游戏,英国乐队现场演唱震撼全场,与我们一起共享欢乐与阳光! 

Event Information


Shenzhen British Day 深圳英国日

Date: Saturday, 28th November 

日期:11 月 28 日(星期六)

Time: 11:00 - 17:00

时间:11:00 - 17:00

Venue: Nanhai Lawn, Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai, No. 1177, Wanghai Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

地址:深圳市南山区望海路 1177 号深圳蛇口希尔顿南海酒店南海翼草坪

Fee: Standard Ticket RMB 30 | RMB 15 for kids below 1.2m

票价:标准票 30 元 | 1.2 米以下儿童 15 元

Shenzhen British Day 深圳英国日

Click here to register


Scan the QR code OR click the link above to get the tickets for this amazing journey!

