Catch Phrase | 人在家中坐,锅从天上来(rén zài jiāzhōng zuò,guō cóng tiānshàng lái)

Writer: Debra Li  |  Editor: Stephanie Yang  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2020-12-18


Literally translated as “a person sitting in his own home has to take blame for what he didn’t do,” this saying coined by Chinese netizens is a play on words, as there is the traditional Chinese saying “人在家中坐,祸从天上来” (祸, pronounced “huò,” means disaster; while 锅 means “pot,” which is a metaphor for “another person’s mistake”).


A: 今天开会我被老板批评了,但其实他说的事情我完全不知道,因为上周我休假了。

Jīntiān kāihuì wǒ bèi lǎobǎn pīpíng le,dàn qíshí tā shuōde shìqíng wǒ wánquán bù zhīdào,yīnwèi shàngzhōu wǒ xiūjià le。

The boss criticized me at the meeting today, but because I was on vacation last week I know nothing of what he was talking about.

B: 有时候就是“人在家中坐,锅从天上来。”

Yǒu shíhòu jiùshì “rén zài jiāzhōng zuò,guō cóng tiānshàng lái。”

Shit happens and sometimes you just have to take blame for things you didn’t do.