Catch Phrase | 谐音梗(xiéyīngěng)

Writer: Debra Li  |  Editor: Stephanie Yang  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2020-12-31


“谐音” means “homophone,” and “梗” is a misspelling of another character “哏” (gén, from Tianjin dialect) which means “jokes.” This term refers to “homophonic jokes” or “homophonic puns,” a popular form of jokes shared online or told by comedians.


A: 讲个笑话来听听。

Jiǎng ge xiàohuà lái tīngting。

Tell me a joke.

B: 哈利▪波特乔装成了一个记者,准备偷袭伏地魔。

Hālì bōtè qiáozhuāng chéng le yīgè jìzhě,zhǔnbèi tōuxí fúdìmó。

Harry Potter poses as a reporter in order to attack Lord Voldemort unexpectedly.


Hālì bōtè:Nǐhǎo wǒ shì yīmíng jìzhě。

Harry Potter: Hi, I’m a reporter.

伏地魔 (fúdìmó):Ha? Reporter?

Lord Voldemort: Ha? Reporter? (Ha-rrypotter?)


Hālì bōtè:Háishì bèi nǐ fāxiàn le!

Harry Potter: You got me!

A: 这个谐音梗有意思。

Zhège xiéyīngěng yǒuyìsī。

This homophonic pun is funny.