Catch Phrase | 伤害性不大,侮辱性极强(shānghàixìng búdà,wǔrǔxìng jíqiáng)

Writer: Debra Li  |  Editor: Stephanie Yang  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2021-03-15


“伤害” means “to injure,” and “侮辱” means “to insult.” Roughly translated as “not physically but psychologically hurt,” this term coined by Douyin users quickly caught on among Chinese netizens. It’s used jokingly in situations where the speaker feels offended by a seemingly small thing. For example, when a single person dines out in an eatery, a couple sharing the same table begins a public display of affection (PDA), leaving that person feeling bad about being single.


A: 你怎么最近不和小丽一起玩儿了?

Nǐ zěnme zuìjìn bù hé xiǎolì yīqǐ wánr le?

Why don’t you hang out with Xiao Li now?

B: 她交了个帅哥男朋友,总是在我面前秀他送的礼物。这种行为伤害性不大,侮辱性极强。

Tā jiāo le gè shuàigē nánpéngyou,zǒngshì zài wǒ miànqián xiù tā sòng de lǐwù。Zhèzhǒng xíngwéi shānghàixìng búdà,wǔrǔxìng jíqiáng。

She is dating this handsome guy, and shows off the gifts he buys her all the time. I feel offended when she’s flaunting his gifts in my face.