Catch Phrase | 战歌(zhàngē)

Writer: Debra Li  |  Editor: Stephanie Yang  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2021-03-23


“战” means “war,” and “歌” means “songs.” This term, coined by Chinese netizens, refers to the kind of songs or background music that inspire and cheer people up. The music/song is usually upbeat. This type of music is often played before war scenes or other exciting moments in games, anime, movies or TV shows. Fans of Bilibili, a streaming site, use the term “战歌起” (zhàngēqǐ; literally meaning “war songs imminent”) a lot in their bullet screen comments.


A: 有没有好听的战歌推荐?我打算换一批跑步听的音乐。

Yǒuméiyǒu hǎotīng de zhàngē tuījiàn?Wǒ dǎsuàn huàn yīpī pǎobù tīng de yīnyuè。

Do you have some upbeat music to recommend? I’m considering refreshing my playlist for jogging.

B: 很多日漫的主题歌和背景音乐都不错,有空我帮你找找。

Hěnduō rìmàn de zhǔtígē hé bèijǐng yīnyuèdōu búcuò,yǒukōng wǒ bāng nǐ zhǎozhǎo。

Many Japanese anime series have good theme songs and background music. I’ll find some for you when I’ve got time.