Catch Phrase | 美妆博主(měizhuāng bózhǔ)

Writer: Debra Li  |  Editor: Stephanie Yang  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2021-04-13


“美妆”literally means “pretty makeup,” and “博主” means “blogger.” Translated as “beauty blogger,” this term refers to personalities with a large social media following, who post skincare and cosmetic product reviews, makeup tutorials and lifestyle tips in the form of photos, texts and videos. These people quickly shot to fame and have made a fortune with their craft. Some profit by endorsing other brands, and others launch their own brand of skincare and cosmetic products.


A: 你妹妹刚上小学就知道化妆打扮,谁教她这些的?

Nǐ mèimei gāng shàng xiǎoxué jiù zhīdào huàzhuāng dǎbàn,shuí jiāo tā zhèxiē de?

Your younger sister is only in primary school but knows a lot about fashion and makeup. Who taught her about it?

B: 小姑娘喜欢微博上的一个美妆博主,经常看她的视频。

Xiǎo gūniang xǐhuān wēibó shàng de yīgè měizhuāng bózhǔ,jīngcháng kàn tā de shìpín。

The kid likes a beauty blogger on Weibo, and frequently checks her videos.