Dapeng police to the rescue for 2 emergency cases during holiday

Writer: Chen Siqi  |  Editor: Holly Wang  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2021-05-06

Dapeng police responded to two emergency cases during this May Day holiday, local media reported. The police helped transfer an emergency intracerebral hemorrhage patient and paved the way for a girl to the hospital who fainted due to fever and choked on water.

The patient who suffered an intracerebral hemorrhage, or brain bleeding, was airlifted to the Seventh Affiliated of Sun Yat-sen University from Sapphire Hotel in Dapeng New Area in only 18 minutes. The patient is now in stable condition.

Dapeng police received a report for an emergency rescue of a 77-year-old man who suffered intracerebral hemorrhage at 10:30 p.m. Tuesday.

This happened during the May Day holiday in the peak hours for vehicles heading to Dapeng’s tourist attractions, where the traffic congestion made it impossible for sending out an ambulance. After receiving a report, Dapeng emergency bureau soon dispatched a helicopter for the patient.

Since 2018, Dapeng has arranged helicopters to stand by for emergency rescue during holidays.

Dapeng police were also in a quick reaction to send a child to the hospital when a man surnamed Zuo carrying his unconcious child went for help to Guanhu Police Station in Dapeng on Sunday.

When Zuo and his family played at the beach in Guanhu, his daughter felt uncomfortable because of fever. She suddenly fainted at the beach and choked on water. Guanhu health center’s doctor found that the girl’s condition was serious, suggesting Zuo to send his daughter to the hospital.

However, the ambulance cannot arrive at Zuo’s location in a timely manner due to the traffic jam, so Zuo asked for help from the police.

After receiving the report, an on-duty police officer surnamed Liu drove the sick girl, her family and the health center doctor to the hospital, while the traffic police department dispatched the patrol officers to pave a way for the vehicle.

The girl was sent to Kuichong People’s Hospital promptly. The girl is now in stable condition.