Translated from the English term “comfort zone,” this term refers to “a situation in which you feel comfortable and do not have to do anything new or difficult.” The phrase was coined by management thinker Judith Bardwick in her 1991 work “Danger in the Comfort Zone.” Within the comfort zone, there isn’t much incentive for people to reach new heights of performance. It’s here that people go about routines devoid of risk, causing their progress to plateau. The idea of “stepping outside one’s comfort zone” applies not only to more tangible types of performance, such as accepting a stressful new task at work, but also in many life areas such as understanding ourselves, relating to others, and so on.
A: 你儿子还没女朋友吗?
Nǐ érzi hái méi nǚpéngyou ma?
Does your son have a girlfriend now?
B: 他闲暇时喜欢打游戏,不太擅长与人交往。
Tā xiánxiá shí xǐhuan dǎ yóuxì,bútài shàncháng yǔ rén jiāowǎng。
He likes to play games in his spare time and is not good at socializing.
A: 你要鼓励他走出舒适圈,多参加社交活动。
Nǐ yào gǔlì tā zǒuchū shūshìquān,duō cānjiā shèjiāo huódòng。
You need to encourage him to step outside his comfort zone and socialize more.