Catch Phrase | 出戏(chūxì)

Writer: Debra Li  |  Editor: Stephanie Yang  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2021-06-28


“出” means “to exit,” and “戏” means “show, performance.” This term refers to the scenario where an unreasonable line or plot in a movie or TV show suddenly leads the audience to realize that they are only watching something fictional playing out on a screen. The term can also refer to instances of actors being unnatural or not presenting the right mood in their performance. Therefore, the audience finds their acting unconvincing.


A: 你还在追那个古装剧吗?

Nǐ hái zài zhuī nàge gǔzhuāngjù ma?

Are you still following that period drama series?

B: 不看了,我发现女主的做派太现代了,总让我出戏。

Búkàn le,wǒ fāxiàn nǚzhǔ de zuòpài tài xiàndài le,zǒng ràng wǒ chūxì。

Not any longer. The leading actress speaks and acts like our contemporaries, which keeps reminding me that it’s just a show.