Catch Phrase | 照骗(zhàopiàn)

Writer: Debra Li  |  Editor: Stephanie Yang  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2021-10-28


A homophone of “照片” (photograph), this term replaces “片” (literally, a thin piece) with “骗” (cheating). Therefore, this clever pun is used by Chinese netizens to refer to photographs people post online that have been modified too much by Photoshop or other editing software, to such an extent that the photos could be thought of as frauds. Interestingly, there is a similar word in English: People use “catfishing” to refer to the scenario where an individual creates a false online identity, often with deceptive or malicious romantic goals.


A: 你上次去打卡的那个网红景点怎么样?

Nǐ shàngcì qù dǎkǎ de nàge wǎnghóng jǐngdiǎn zěnmeyàng?

How was the tourist destination you visited last time? The one that was an online hit and recommended by influencers?

B: 太失望了,原来某网站贴出来的图都是“照骗”。

Tài shīwàng le,yuánlái mǒu wǎngzhàn tiē chūlái de tú dōushì “zhàopiàn”。

It’s so disappointing. It turns out the photos posted on that website were heavily Photoshopped and nothing close to the real thing.