SZ Daily wins film fest award

Writer: Lin Lin  |  Editor: Zhang Chanwen  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2022-08-18

A short video shot by Shenzhen Daily won third prize in the News Category of the Short Video Section at the 12th Beijing International Film Festival (BJIFF), it was announced at an online award ceremony yesterday.

The video, titled “SZ man devoted to protecting Yangtze River headwaters,” was made by journalist Liu Xudong and his team. It tells the story of Zou Zhuogang, a retired Shenzhen traffic police officer who has served as a volunteer for 16 years with Green River, a nongovernmental organization for environmental protection.

In May 2021, Liu’s team joined Zou to visit volunteers at multiple environmental protection stations in Northwest China’s Qinghai Province. They documented the volunteers’ daily work and life in five days.

The video was first released June 4, 2021 to celebrate World Environment Day, which falls on June 5 every year. It also received the Best Story Award at the COP15 Global Short Video Contest last October.

The Short Video Section, first introduced to BJIFF this year, was open to creators from across the world. It received a total of 1,725 submissions.