Catch Phrase | 干净又卫生 (gānjìng yòu wèishēng)

Writer: Li Dan  |  Editor: Zhang Chanwen  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2022-09-16


“干净” means “clean,” “又” means “also, as well,” and “卫生” means “sanitary.” This term, translated as “clean and sanitary,” is frequently used by Bilibili travel vlogger Liu Yong to conclude his short videos. Liu, a Shandong man currently living in India, introduces all kinds of local food sold at roadside stalls in his videos, and reassures his audience that the food he tries is “clean and sanitary.” The funny young man’s videos went viral, and people now use his catchphrase sarcastically to describe food that they think is “neither clean nor sanitary.”


A: 很多网红店东西很贵,还经常被客人投诉。

Hěnduō wǎnghóng diàn dōngxī hěn guì, hái jīngcháng bèi kèrén tóusù。

The food in social media-popular restaurants is often expensive, and many guests would lodge complaints against them after eating there.

B: 我不去网红店吃饭,表面看起来光鲜,背地里干净又卫生。

Wǒ bú qù wǎnghóng diàn chīfàn, biǎomiàn kànqǐlái guāngxiān, bèidìlǐ gānjìng yòu wèishēng。

I don’t eat at influencer-recommended shops, which may look glamorous but whose kitchens can be neither clean nor sanitary.