Raising global citizens in SZ

Writer: Wang Haolan, Lin Lin  |  Editor: Zhang Chanwen  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2022-10-24

Editor’s Note


Shenzhen Daily has joined hands with the Information Office of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government to launch a series of reports titled “Decade of Transformation,” to tell the story of Shenzhen in the eyes of expats. Rafael Saavedra, a popular YouTuber who has been living and working in China for seven years, will host the series, showing you Shenzhen, a dynamic and energetic city from the perspective of 60 expats. This is the second story of the series. 

由深圳市人民政府新闻办公室与英文《深圳日报》(Shenzhen Daily)共同策划推出的系列全媒体国际传播作品《我们这10年:湾区老外说变化(Decade of Transformation)》已在各大主流媒体和互联网平台正式上线,该系列将集中展示过去十年以来深圳在各个领域所取得的伟大成就。此次系列作品中,在中国工作和生活了七年的知名网络博主Rafael Saavedra将向大家介绍60位外籍人士,通过他们的脚步和镜头记录和观察一座行进中的中国年轻都市。敬请垂注!



Karla Angarita from Colombia has been living in Shenzhen since 2007 and has given birth to three wonderful children here in the city. Currently, she works as a kindergarten teacher at Shen Wai International School. Last year, she started sharing on Instagram her stories of living in Shenzhen as an expat mom, stories that have attracted wide attention from people especially those in South American countries.

Karla Angarita来自哥伦比亚。2007年,她来到深圳定居,并在这里生下了三个可爱的孩子。目前,她在深圳外国语学校国际部担任幼儿园教师。去年,她开始在Instagram上分享她作为外籍妈妈在深圳生活的故事,受到拉美读者的广泛关注。


In Shekou, if you bump into a Latin American family who start dancing at a HeyTea store while waiting for their bubble tea, that could be the Angaritas from Colombia.


A family photo of the Angarita family taken at Sea World in Shekou. Wang Haolan


“Being an expat mom in Shenzhen is difficult and busy, but it’s fulfilling,” said Karla Angarita, a mother of three and kindergarten teacher at Shen Wai International School. “Shenzhen is welcoming. It's open, and you find a support system within your school community, your city community, and your neighborhood that makes it different.”

Karla Angarita是深外国际学校的一名幼儿园老师,也是三个孩子的母亲。她坦言,作为一名在深圳的外籍妈妈,她的生活既充满挑战,也充满意义。在她眼里,“深圳是一个充满人情味、开放的城市”。无论是在学校、社区还是邻里,Karla都能够获得帮助和支持,而这种温暖的力量也让一切变得不同。

A family photo of the Angarita family taken at Sea World in Shekou with the 'I Love Shekou' signage in the background. Wang Haolan


Karla Angarita has an interview with Shenzhen Daily. Wang Haolan 


Local community a great support for expat mom


Karla and her husband Ramón Angarita came to Shenzhen in March 2007. Back then their expectation was to stay for one year for a music contract with InterContinental Shenzhen. It is the “support system” that they find in the city that has prolonged their stay. Now they credit Shenzhen as their home after being here for more than 15 years.

2007年,Karla的丈夫Ramón Angarita和华侨城洲际大酒店签订了一份为期一年的乐队合同。当年3月,Karla和Ramón来到深圳,原本计划在这里生活一年的他们,一待就是15年,而让他们在此安家的原因,正是这座城市里的人给予他们的支持和帮助。

A family photo of the Angarita family. Courtesy of the interviewee 


Shortly after they arrived, Karla found that she was expecting a baby. “Although back then it was really hard to find doctors who could communicate with us in English, we found very helpful people,” Karla said. “People were willing to help all the time with the appointments and translations. We just felt Shenzhen was the right place to stay throughout the pregnancy.”


When the baby was born, Karla met a special someone in her hospital ward, an experience that filled her eyes with tears as she recalled. “I was sharing a room with a Chinese family who had just delivered a baby,” she said. “The mother of this lady adopted me as a child. Every time she brought food to her daughter, she would bring some for me too. We were just so blessed that we always had people around that appeared like angels wanting to help.” 


A family photo of the Angarita family. Courtesy of the interviewee


The warmth and support which Karla and Ramón gained during their first year in the city made them feel at home, and they decided to stay here and raise their first child David. Two years later, their daughter Valentina was born, and then their little boy Santiago in 2012.


Angarita's children play bubbles by Shenzhen Bay. Wang Haolan


As years go by, the support system for Karla grows bigger and stronger as she continues to meet more people, including those from the local Latin community. “We all were like a family. we raised our kids together. To me, that made a whole world of difference,” she said.


Angarita's three children pose for a photo at the Nyuwa Coastal Park near Sea World in Shekou. Wang Haolan 


SZ’s diverse cultures bring unique experience for children


In 2021, Karla started sharing her daily life in Shenzhen on Instagram and received many questions about how she raised her children in the city. 


As a tech hub and important city for international trading, Shenzhen has attracted talents from around the world. When it comes to education, Karla observed that the city’s international vibe is a great source for her children to experience diverse cultures — not only her home country culture, but also cultures of different communities.


Karla Angarita (C) poses for a photo with her husband Ramón Angarita (L) and her elder son David Angarita (R) at Sea World in Shekou.  Wang Haolan Karla与丈夫Ramón及大儿子David在海上世界合影留念。王皓岚摄

“I'm not teaching them about a different culture. I am letting them be exposed to this culture by just having friends,” she explained. “It's not a choice I make. It's a natural thing that happens because they get to go to an international school or because of the neighbors from different countries. So I see in my kids this open mindedness that makes them global citizens and they have a hunger for the world. It makes me realize I wasn't raised that way. Everything we knew about other cultures was because we read about it or we watched a documentary. My kids get to live it.”


Angarita's younger son Santiago takes photos with his mother's phone. Wang Haolan


In this Colombian mother’s eyes, family is the center of every community. Over the past years, she observed that the city is becoming more friendly to children with more parks, kindergartens, play centers and free play opportunities for children to make friends. “If Shenzhen continues with this, we are gonna be more open to expat communities trying to settle in this city, because the family will always be what drives the choices of parents,” she said.
