Blooming flowers for a burst of color

Writer: Cao Zhen  |  Editor: Ye Shangqing  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2022-10-26

Last Sunday saw the start of Frost’s Descent, the last autumn solar term of the Chinese lunar calendar, which marks the transition from autumn to winter with cooler temperatures. However, subtropical Shenzhen is still clinging to warm temperatures this week. Sunny days make it the perfect period for spending more time outdoors.

Shenzhen has remarkable natural landscapes and parks. The enjoyable days are perfect for strolling in parks, lounging in the sun and appreciate fresh flowers. Here are some stunning flowers that you may see in most local parks. 

Lantana camara (马缨丹) flowers are in blossom in Xiangmi Park in Futian District.Photos by Sun Yuchen

A ruellia simplex (翠芦莉) flower in Xiangmi Park.

A hibiscus (朱槿) flower in Xiangmi Park.

Plumeria rubra (鸡蛋花) flowers in Xiangmi Park.

Chinese roses (月季) in Xiangmi Park.

Chinese golden rain trees (复羽叶栾树) are seen in Lianhua Hill Park in Futian District.

Combretum indicum (使君子) flowers in Xiangmi Park.

New Guinea impatiens (新几内亚凤仙花) flowers in Xiangmi Park.

Mussaenda philippica (粉叶金花) flowers in Xiangmi Park.

Silvery white rain lily (葱兰) flowers in Xiangmi Park.

Various flowers decorate a street in Huaqiangbei in Futian District.