Catch Phrase | 我没惹你们任何人 (Wǒ méi rě nǐmen rènhé rén)

Writer: Li Dan  |  Editor: Zhang Chanwen  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2022-11-11


Literally translated as “I didn’t offend any of you,” this line was frequently used by a Chinese blogger on Sina Weibo, a Twitter-like Chinese social media platform, as a complaint about a random mishap. It’s as if to say, “I did nothing to deserve this.” Other netizens quickly posted pictures of various celebrities or animated characters with a puzzled, angry or grudging look with this sentence as the subtitle, making it a catchphrase this year.


A: 你怎么还不来办公室?

Nǐ zěnme hái bù lái bàngōngshì?

Why have you not yet arrived at the office?

B: 我正要请假呢。我住的楼因为有阳性病例被封控了。

Wǒ zhèng yào qǐngjiǎ ne。Wǒ zhù de lóu yīnwèi yǒu yángxìng bìnglì bèi fēngkòng le。

I’m about to ask for the day off. The building where I live is under lockdown after a positive COVID case popped up.

A: 又封控了?

Yòu fēngkòng le?


B: 是啊。我没惹你们任何人。

Shì a。Wǒ méi rě nǐmen rènhé rén。

Yup. I did nothing to deserve this. (What bad luck!)