A vivid cartoon drawn by Xia Jialin, 12, from Fumin Primary School in Futian District, has recently gone viral online, the Southern Metropolis Daily reported yesterday.
The cartoon version of a graduation photo drawn by Xia Jialin from Fumin Primary School in Futian District. Southern Metropolis Daily
Xia, a sixth grader, has drawn a cartoon version of her class graduation photo, with over 40 students and teachers in it. The drawing was posted on the wall at the back of Xia’s classroom.
“Because we are going to graduate soon, and our class has been together for six years, I want to draw a record of how we look and keep these memories,” Xia told the Daily.
“This is both a family and graduation photo. In the future, if we look at this photo again, it can help us fondly remember our childhood memories,” Xia said.
Xia is keen on drawing and has put in a lot of time and effort to create the special cartoon. It is a huge project that accurately depicts the faces of over 40 students with their appearance and personal traits, hobbies and fashion sense, as well as cartoon styles.
“It took me two months to create this, and I spent almost all my spare time on it,” Xia said.
Her classmates’ different personalities are etched in Xia’s mind. In this “family photo,” various details of her teachers and classmates are distinctly rendered in her drawing. Many of Xia’s classmates have been excited about their cartoon versions.
In fact, Xia had created a “family photo” of her class back in the fourth grade. Two years later, she has become more creative in her drawing.
According to Li Junchao, the teacher in charge of Xia’s class, the “family photo” embodies the spirit of fraternity and mutual help. The drawing has also been reprinted and sent to each student.