Israeli brings more advanced treatments to China

Writer: Chen Xiaochun  |  Editor: Zhang Chanwen  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2023-03-20



Trotting to different places to attend business meetings across China has become a lifestyle for Israeli Segev Halfon. The entrepreneur has been dedicated himself to bringing more cutting-edge treatments to China and improving the living quality of people for the last five years. As the co-founder and CEO of SinoSciences Global, a medical devices enterprise, he thinks Shenzhen is a vital player in China’s economy. 

Segev Halfon是一位来自以色列的企业家,奔波于中国各地参加各种商务会议已经成为他的一种生活方式。在过去五年中,他一直致力于为中国引进更多尖端的治疗方法,并提高人民的生活质量。作为一家医疗设备公司SinoSciences Global的联合创始人兼首席执行官,他认为深圳在中国经济中担任着至关重要的角色。

Video and photos by Lin Jianping except otherwise stated 除特别说明外,视频制作、摄影:林建平

Like many other foreigners, Segev Halfon saw China as a mysterious place before he decided to explore the country five years ago. He landed in Shenzhen, his first destination in China, and was impressed by the development of the former small fishing village.


“I remembered stories about how the fishermen town has become the Silicon Valley of China. Nowadays, the investments from all around China come here. I saw with my own eyes how developed it is, how the government supported the private sector, and how the private sector really made things not just for export, but also for research and development,” said Halfon, co-founder and CEO of SinoSciences Global.

“我记得小渔村如何发展成为中国硅谷的故事。如今,来自中国各地的投资都涌向这里。我亲眼目睹了深圳这座城市的繁荣,看到政府如何支持民营企业,以及民营企业在政策下蓬勃发展,它们不仅制造出口产品,也大量投入研发。” SinoSciences Global的联合创始人兼首席执行官Halfon说道。

Segev Halfon has an exclusive interview with Shenzhen Daily at Shenzhen Israel Innovation Hub.

Segev Halfon在深圳-中以创新创业合作基地接受英文《深圳日报》专访。

During his first trip to Shenzhen, Halfon was curious about the country’s economy and decided to visit some pharmacies and hospitals in the city to gain insight from a professional standpoint. “I inquired about certain treatments available in Israel that were not yet accessible in China while visiting the pharmacies and hospitals,” he recalled.


During his foray into the medical field, Halfon observed a great potential in bringing cutting-edge medical devices and treatments to China. Despite having a background in computer science, he chose to venture into the medical industry after gaining exposure to it.


Halfon poses for a photo at Shenzhen Israel Innovation Hub. 

Halfon 在深圳-中以创新创业合作基地拍照。

In 2018, he established SinoSciences Global with his partners in Singapore and one year later they set up an office in Shenzhen. The company specializes in the distribution of breakthrough medical devices throughout Asia. It imports state-of-the-art medical devices primarily from Israel, and from Europe and the US as well.

2018年,Halfon与合伙人在新加坡共同创立SinoSciences Global,并在随后的一年设立了深圳办公室。公司专注于亚洲地区的医疗设备分销,主要从以色列进口最先进的医疗设备,也会从欧洲和美国进口其他产品。

Halfon (3rd L) attends a conference on China-Israel Medical Tech Cooperation in Shanghai in 2021. Courtesy of the interviewee


“Israel is particularly strong in the medical industry. Medical devices have become a fascinating topic worldwide, especially in recent years, as healthcare has become increasingly critical for people, especially for patients. Thus, a few years ago, we decided to shift to the medical sector. So far we have many successful cases with our breakthrough medical device portfolio that have been used to treat Chinese patients and the results are wonderful,” he explained.


Halfon introduces their medical devices to the Boao International Hospital in Hainan in 2022. Courtesy of the interviewee


According to Halfon, Shenzhen, at the core of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, is a vital player in China’s economy. 


“This is precisely why we decided to make Shenzhen our home and our base of operations. From here, we can manage our device portfolio that will cater to the mainland market. Moreover, Shenzhen’s culture is relatively similar to that of foreign countries, making it a soft landing for us. Although Shenzhen is primarily an export-oriented city, we also recognized its potential for domestic activities, and that is precisely what we are currently engaged in,” Halfon remarked.


A view of Shenzhen.


Over the past few years, Halfon and his team learned that the policies the Chinese Government provides actually aims to promote a certain market, citing the “Hong Kong and Macao Medicine and Equipment Connect” policy as an example.


Halfon explained that the policy allows certain overseas medicines and medial devices to be made available at several hospitals in Shenzhen and Guangzhou through Hong Kong. “So actually, this policy provides a soft landing. It supports overseas companies, such as U.S., European and Israeli companies to launch a medical product or device in Hong Kong and then to the Chinese mainland.” 


Halfon talks to the reporter with Shenzhen Daily.


Apart from introducing medical devices, the company also provides professional medical training to doctors in China. “We cooperate with the Sheba Medical Center, a government hospital based in Israel and one of the top and leading hospitals in the world. Together, we are focusing on one principle: how to improve treatment success rate for Chinese mainland patients,” he said. 


After being exposed to diverse cultures and individuals from around the world, Halfon expressed his profound admiration for what China, particularly Shenzhen, has accomplished.


Halfon shares his experiences with Shenzhen Daily.


After living in China for several years, Halfon is deeply impressed by the Chinese government’s prioritization of public health. “I am from the medical industry, and I saw how the government really protects the health and provides hope to its people,” he said.


“We will work together with the Chinese Government and companies to achieve greater success in China, to make more unique treatments accessible to more and more patients across China, and to facilitate professional knowledge sharing to help Chinese doctors increase their treatment success rates. Our hope is for Shenzhen to become the birthplace of our breakthrough achievements on the mainland. As our operational headquarters in China, Shenzhen serves as a model for success in the country,” Halfon explained. 


For the next stage, Halfon and his partners aim to build their own factory in China to produce their device portfolio, catering to the Chinese market first and the overseas market later on.
