Listen to SZ sounds, a journey of discovery

Writer: Cao Zhen   |  Editor: Zhang Chanwen  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2023-03-27



Swiss sound researcher and artist Marcel Zaes Sagesser teaches sound design at the School of Design at Southern University of Science and Technology. According to him, what makes the sounds in Shenzhen charming and special to him is that there are always urban sounds mixed with some natural sounds, and that the city "with a subtropical climate and a geographic location between the ocean and the hills, between the ocean and the continent” has influenced him in many ways.


Video and photos by Lin Jianping except otherwise stated 除另有说明外,本文所配视频及图片由林建平提供

Armed with headphones, a microphone, a windshield and a digital recording device, Marcel Zaes Sagesser captures sounds of Shenzhen: hoards of commuters in constant motion, impatient bike honks, yelling from street vendors’ loudspeakers, WeChat payment alerts, roaring buses, cars and trains, river flowing and bird chirping.

戴上耳机,手持一支麦克风、一个挡风罩,身背一台数字录音设备,马塞尔•匝斯•萨格教授记录着深圳的声音: 这里有通勤者的步履匆匆,不耐烦的自行车鸣笛,街头小贩扬声器里的叫卖,微信收款到账提醒,公交、汽车和地铁的疾驰,还有河流潺潺和鸟鸣啁啾。

“The charm of sound in part is exactly because it’s invisible but it’s everywhere; it’s all around us,” said Sagesser, an assistant professor in the School of Design at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech).

“声音的魅力之一在于它看不见,但又无处不在,它就在我们身边。” 南方科技大学(以下简称“南科大”)创新创意设计学院助理教授萨格告诉记者。

Marcel Zaes Sagesser collects sounds in a shopping area and a wet market in Nanshan District in late February.


The Swiss sound researcher and artist moved to Shenzhen last year from the United States where he finished his Ph.D. at Brown University. He now teaches sound design for undergraduate students majoring in industrial design. He does field recording in nature and densely populated urban areas, then maps the sound recordings in computer software, and creates interactive sound maps of the city to understand how the sonic world in the city functions.


Sagesser said that noise in Shenzhen is loud in urban areas but natural and environmental sounds are also very dominant in the soundscape of the city. “What is so charming, maybe special, about Shenzhen in sound for me is that there are always urban sounds mixed with some natural sounds. Like this very moment we hear traffic, we hear water but we also hear a lot of birds, so it’s not that the city and nature are two distinct parts; they are always mixed and blended.”

萨格教授说: “深圳声音的魅力和特别之处在于,城市的声音总是混合着自然的声音。就像此刻,我们听到了车水马龙,听到了河流声,但我们也听到很多鸟儿的叫声,城市和自然在这里是融为一体的。”

Sagesser does field recording in nature in Shenzhen. 


In Shenzhen, Sagesser collects sounds mostly in Metro stations, train stations, streets, sidewalks, shopping malls, supermarkets, wet markets and random places where there are a lot of people. He walks in the city with a microphone as a way to understand the city through sounds. This kind of working method, termed “sound walking,” focusing on listening to the environment while walking, was used in his and Xu Binghuang’s “Unwalking” project. 


The project was designed for the Pingshan subvenue exhibition of the ninth Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture (UABB) last year. They had six student groups working on this project, with each group creating one sound work. Using ethnographic methods, they interviewed locals and tourists, and did field recordings at the centuries-old Hakka compound, the Dawan Ancestral Residence.


Xu Binghuang (front), a research assistant in Marcel Zaes Sagesser’s team at SUSTech’s School of Design, does field recording with Sagesser at the campus. 


“Sound was much more blurred at the compound because inside it you heard the traffic from outside and when you were outside you still heard the birds’ sounds from inside,” said Sagesser, adding that they also recorded in urban villages, at some workshops and by the Pingshan River.


The final sound works are associated with both the past, like the traditional craft sounds, and the future, with some sounds created by students using synthesizers in the studio, bringing hidden histories and stories to life and helping listeners to see this old site in a new light.


Visitors listen to “Unwalking” while walking at Dawan Ancestral Residence in Pingshan on Dec. 3, 2022. Photos courtesy of SUSTech School of Design: Xu Yingxin & Zhang Yijing


Sagesser explained that “Unwalking” means “undo” and “walking.” “We undo or go back in the history of the place where we are walking to uncover things or sounds which normally remain invisible or inaudible.” At the opening of the exhibition Dec. 3, 2022, visitors rambled in the Dawan Ancestral Residence while listening to a piece from the project played on mobile devices. “We would like the public to gain an additional understanding of what Dawan Ancestral Residence is. … When they listen to these projects that our students designed, they get a different experience that actually is sort of oscillating between the past and the future,” said Sagesser.

萨格教授告诉记者,项目的名字“行步如影”是一种回到过去的方式。“我们一边行走,一边回到历史中,发现看不见或听不见的事物或声音。” 2022 年 12 月 3 日,在展览开幕式上,参观者们漫步在大万世居,用移动设备聆听“行步如影”项目作品。“我们希望公众对大万世居有更多的了解。当他们听这些作品时,会有耳目一新的体验,一种介于过去和未来之间的体验,”萨格说。

“It’s not so much that the charm [of sounds] is already there; it depends on what we do with sounds, how we use sounds as an opportunity to actually make something, make an intervention, how we change sounds with technology or create new sounds, so for me that’s where the charm of sounds lies,” he said.


Sagesser processes sound works at his lab at SUSTech.


In Sagesser’s academic research, he focuses on the manifold ways in which humans craft their relationships with sounding technologies, and how sound is always embedded in a larger socio cultural context. He said that traditionally design was not so much connected with sound, but SUSTech’s School of Design is quite progressive in that it not only designs objects but also focuses on designing experiences for the future.


“Sound research is not so common. … It’s a very special area. … It’s not such a coincidence that Shenzhen would have a job like this, which is the ‘City of Design,’ which is associated with new technologies and developing new technologies, so sound is a huge part of that,” he said. “When I received this offer here and I realized SUSTech is a research university, at the School of Design, I found this to be my best option because it would let me do exactly this kind of research that I want to do.”

“声音研究是一个特殊的领域。深圳有这样的工作,不是巧合,因为这里是‘设计之都’,很多领域与新技术和研发相关,声音研究也是很重要的一部分,” 他说。“当我收到这份工作邀请时,我意识到南科大是一所研究型大学,在创新创意设计学院工作,是我最好的选择,因为这里可以让我做研究。”

Sagesser walks in the SUSTech campus. 


Sagesser holds a Ph.D. in computer music and multimedia from Brown University and master’s degrees in media arts and in music composition from Bern University of the Arts and Zurich University of the Arts, respectively. He has released 11 music albums and exhibited his sound artworks at festivals globally. Last year, he performed with Shenzhen artists at an electronic music gig at Nantou Ancient Town. In Shunde, he just participated in an exhibition, playing a vocal piece in a room full of loudspeakers. The piece was composed based on the sounds he collected at a fish pond in Shunde and the piece was recorded with students from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.


“The music or the art that I’m creating is always somehow grounded in the research that I’m doing,” said Sagesser. “How can we digitally create new sounds? … Many of my sound works or music works are much more about creating sonic states. … I think the word for this would be ‘sonic architecture.’ It’s like using sound to create a feeling of a place. … You can sit in and be with it, like you sit in a house,” Sagesser explained.

“我的音乐或艺术作品植根于我的研究,” 萨格说。“我们如何用数字技术创造新的声音?... 我的许多声音作品或音乐作品是创造一种声音状态,可以称它为‘声音建筑’,就像用声音来创造一个空间的感觉。你置身其中,像坐在房子里一样,”萨格告诉记者。

Sagesser’s “In Idle Mode (Noise)” is played in a room full of loudspeakers at an exhibition in Shunde, Guangdong. Photo courtesy of Sagesser


Having been in Shenzhen for a year, Sagesser said that the city, “with a subtropical climate and a geographic location between the ocean and the hills, between the ocean and the continent,” has influenced him in many ways. “The water, especially many rivers, the seaside, the Pingshan River, the Dasha River, [has influenced me]. I’ve also started working with hydrophones to record rivers. Also the Pearl River Delta, in and around Guangzhou and Shunde, all of that has changed my research and my artwork.”


In this visual-dominated world, Sagesser suggests people should pay more attention to the sound because “you will miss a lot of things, information and beauty if you don’t pay attention to the sound. If people have more awareness about the sound, more people will agree that we need better sound design for the city; we need better-sounding trains, better-sounding cars; we need better tools and experiences designed for the city.”
