EYESHENZHEN  /   Travel  /   Historic Sites

Xiantouling Site

Writer:   |  Editor: Yu Fanfan  |  From: Dapeng Government Online  |  Updated: 2023-04-07

Nearly 30,000 square meters in area, the site was identified during archaeological surveys in 1981. Four excavation sites were investigated at the southeast, central, and northern areas of the site from 1985 to 2004. The fifth field session was undertaken at the northwestern part of the site from February to April, 2006. Thus a total area of 2,30 square meters have been explored during the five excavations thus far.

Cultural material recovered from Xiantouling in 2006 consists of traces and relics from the Neolithic and Shang periods.

The remains at Xiantouling, which date back from 6,000 to 7,000 years, provide important data for archaeologists preparing a model of the stages of social development during this millennium in the Pearl River Delta. The findings also shed light on interpretative problems in Lingnan prehistoric culture, and archaeologists now posit the existence of the transitional Xiantouling culture named for this site.

Hours: 9 a.m.-6 p.m.

Add: Xiantouling Village, Dapeng Office, Dapeng New District, Shenzhen