Deliveryman prides himself on paying debts, assisting newcomers

Writer: Tan Yaoquan  |  Editor: Zhang Chanwen  |  From: Shenzhen Daily  |  Updated: 2023-04-14

Recently, a 41-year-old deliveryman was put under the spotlight by paying off his debts and helping newcomers.

In a video clip, a newcomer who went bankrupt felt chagrined for becoming a takeaway rider. He Neng, the deliveryman, said loudly: “No one will lose face by making a living delivering takeaways!” He added: “Only when you fail to pay for your child’s tuition or your parents’ medical fees will you lose face. Just think of it.”

He, a Hunan native and now a deliveryman for Meituan in Nanshan, was once a wealthy businessman. However, he lost everything and even has a debt of 460,000 yuan (US$66,922) since his business partner embezzled money from one project he was involved in.

He decided to rise again and became a takeaway rider in Shenzhen. Thanks to his tenacity and hard work, he soon became one of the best performers at his work station. Eventually, he had paid off his debts within three years.

“After supporting myself and my family, I paid my debts bit by bit and got the trust of my creditors,” he said.

He’s inspirational story had soon spread online and attracted the attention of people who had similar troubles.

Some were in debt for borrowing money to help their ill family members, some were in debt after divorce and some suffered from business failures, among others.

He suggested they become takeaway riders in Shenzhen; and since 2021, he has assisted over 70 people to become takeaway riders. Last year, eight of them paid off their debts amounting to over 1 million yuan.

Xiao Zhang, a resident from Shantou, Guangdong, is one of the apprentices whom He is very proud of.

“Zhang had borrowed over 200,000 yuan for treating his father’s cancer. Afterwards, he has been working very hard and has paid off his debts in less than two years,” He said.